Good Lord. I hate these pages. What does one say? I make stuff. I break stuff.
Once upon a time I was a photographer. I spent many years making and teaching photography until I didn’t. Someday I shall return, but for now I have other vices that tide me over creatively.
I was a midwestern boy who found a home in New Mexico in the early 90’s. I spent most of my time there snowboarding, mountain biking, river rafting, and trying to figure out life. I met some of the most amazing people in northern New Mexico and a piece of my heart will always live on there. After a long stint as a bartender, I ended up getting back to college where I studied everything from mechanical engineering to art and eventually met my beautiful wife. I finished at the University of New Mexico with more credits that any undergraduate should be allowed to attain before getting a degree.
After college I started Fraction Magazine with David Bram. My tenure was short lived as I was trying to make a living and the pay was non-existent. The initial premise and idea of Fraction was a good thing and I feel like it sort of accomplished that goal for awhile, but in the end I had to move on.
I moved on to education and the mountains of Virginia with my wife. I went back to school yet again to get a Masters degree from VCU. We finally landed in the Shenandoah Valley where the Blue Ridge, Shenandoah Valley, and Shenandoah National Park collide. I kept at photography until I eventually became the plumber with leaky pipes. Coming home from teaching I found that my creative spark was almost non-existent, so I set the camera down and went back to pen and paper and taught myself screen printing.
I now make all sorts of art and work full time in IT. I have an amazing family and get to spend lots of time traveling and seeing beautiful places. I have three separate avenues of selling the stuff I make. Check the home page for the links. I decided to go for a more democratic art form that everyone could afford and be proud to have.